______ _______ _______ _______ | __ \ | _ | |_ _| | | | | __/ __ | | __ | | __ | | __ |___| |__| |___|___||__| |___||__| |___|___||__| Perl Advanced TCP Hijacking The hijackers P.A.T.H. to galaxy [http://p-a-t-h.sourceforge.net] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Easterrst -- Advanced RST Daemon Programmed by Stefan Krecher and Bastian Ballmann Last Update: 29.11.2003 Licensed under GPL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---:[ Requires - Perl - NetPacket modules [ http://www.cpan.org ] - Net::Pcap [ http://www.cpan.org ] - Net::RawIP [ http://www.cpan.org ] - Tk module [ http://www.cpan.org ] - libpcap [ http://www.tcpdump.org ] ---:[ Disclaimer THIS PROJECT WAS DEVELOPED FOR TESTING AND DEMONSTRATION PURPOSE ONLY! THE AUTHORS DONT FEEL RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGAL ABUSE OF THIS PIECE OF SOFTWARE AND WE ADVICE YOU TO USE IT LEGALLY AND DO NOT BREAK THE LAW! ---:[ Description easterrst is a RST daemon written in Perl. It contains a terminal and GUI interface written in Perl/Tk. This tool can reset a single connection between two hosts, all traffic to / from a host or simple all connections on the network by sending either a spoofed RST or FIN packet. You can specify the port of connection that should be resetted and it can only reset SYN packets instead of all packets. ---:[ Installation If your system supports Perl just install the required modules and run ./easterrst.pl for the terminal version or ./easterrst.pl --gui to use the GUI version of the tool. :[EOF