______ _______ _______ _______ | __ \ | _ | |_ _| | | | | __/ __ | | __ | | __ | | __ |___| |__| |___|___||__| |___| |__| |___|___||__| Perl Advanced TCP Hijacking The hijackers P.A.T.H. to galaxy [http://p-a-t-h.sourceforge.net] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Icmp Redirector Programmend by Stefan Krecher Last Update: 22.12.2002 Licensed under the GPL -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ---:[ Requires Perl Net::RawIP NetAddr::IP ---:[ Disclaimer THIS PROJECT WAS DEVELOPED FOR TESTING AND DEMONSTRATION PURPOSE ONLY! THE AUTHORS DONT FEEL RESPONSIBLE FOR ILLEGAL ABUSE OF THIS PIECE OF SOFTWARE AND WE ADVICE YOU TO USE IT LEGALLY AND DO NOT BREAK THE LAW! ---:[ Description Icmpredir can be used to change the default gateway (or any other route) of a victims host. It's used to implement man-in-the-middle attacks. The OS / kernel of ther victims host must be able to accept icmp-redirects and the attack is only possible if the target host isn't a "router" or checks /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects ---:[ Installation If your system supports Perl just install the required Perl modules. You get them at CPAN [http://www.cpan.org]. Be sure that you have also installed the libpcap library. You get it here [http://www.tcpdump.org] ---:[ Usage Run ./icmpredir.pl --help to get help